About the Journal

Journal title  International Journal of Social Learning
Initials  IJSL
Frequency  3 issues per year (April, August, December)
DOI  Prefix 10.47134
Online ISSN | Print ISSN  2774-4426 | 2774-8359
Citation Analysis  Scopus, Dimensions, Google Scholar 
Editor-in-Chief  Dr. Nur Hamid, M.Sc.|||||
Publisher  Indonesian Journal Publisher in cooperation with Indonesian Social Studies Association (APRIPSI)
National Accreditation The 2nd Grade on SINTA: Scientific and Technology Index (SINTA 2)

IJSL: International Journal of Social Learning (e-ISSN 2774-4426|p-ISSN 2774-8359) is a double blind peer-reviewed and open-access journal to disseminating all information contributing to the understanding and development of social learning. The aim is to publish conceptual and research articles that explore the learning innovation of social and the everyday experience of social learning for students and society. It welcomes articles from academics, researchers, graduate students and policy makers. The articles published may take the form of original research, theoretical analysis, and critical review. All articles should be in English. Read More>>>


1. Dear Authors, We would like to inform you that the International Journal of Social Learning (IJSL) does not issue formal Letter of Article Acceptance (LoAA) in the form of certificates or similar documents. Instead, a notification indicating "Article Accepted" from the Editor-in-Chief, sent via email [email protected] or [email protected], serves as the official Letter of Article Acceptance (LoAA). We appreciate your understanding in this matter.

2. For all Reviewers who need a Reviewer Certificate, equipped they have reviewed articles in IJSL, don't hesitate to get in touch with us at email [email protected] and cc [email protected] 

Current Issue

Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): December
					View Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): December

All articles in this issue include authors from 10 countries of origin (Indonesia, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, Canada, Republic of Fiji, Timor Leste, China, Uganda and Pakistan).

Published: 2024-12-24


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