Elementary School Social Emotional Learning Status and Attendance, Discipline, and Achievement in the United States: A National Analysis


  • Oleavia Shaunté Morris Sam Houston State University
  • Fred C. Lunenburg Sam Houston State University
  • John R Slate Sam Houston State University
  • Janene Hemmen Sam Houston State University




Average Daily Attendance, Disciplinary Actions, Disciplinary Problems, School Features, Social Emotional Learning


Ascertained in this investigation was the effect of social emotional learning training on student attendance, discipline problems and actions, students’ thoughts on the importance of academic achievement, and urbanicity in public elementary schools for the 2015-2016 and 2017-2018 school years. We analyzed data from two School Surveys on Crime and Safety conducted across the United States. Across the two years, social emotional learning training was determined to be unrelated to public elementary schools’ location (i.e., urban, suburban, rural), student attendance or discipline problems and actions. The presence of social emotional learning training, however, was determined to be related to the importance of academic achievement. Implications for policy and for practice, along with recommendations for future research, were made.


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Author Biographies

Oleavia Shaunté Morris, Sam Houston State University

Recent Doctoral Graduate from the K-12 program in Educational Leadership

Fred C. Lunenburg, Sam Houston State University

Full Professor, Department of Educational Leadership

John R Slate, Sam Houston State University

Full Professor, Department of Educational Leadership

Janene Hemmen, Sam Houston State University

Clinical Faculty, Department of Educational Leadership


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How to Cite

Morris, O. S., Lunenburg, F. C., Slate, J. R., & Hemmen, J. (2023). Elementary School Social Emotional Learning Status and Attendance, Discipline, and Achievement in the United States: A National Analysis. International Journal of Social Learning (IJSL), 4(1), 75–92. https://doi.org/10.47134/ijsl.v4i1.215


