EMITVEL (Earthquake Mitigation Visual Novel): Media For Learning Earthquake Mitigation in Elementary Schools


  • Fais Ahnaf Abdillah Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
  • Juhadi Juhadi Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
  • Ira Darmawanti University of Vienna, Austria




Learning, Earthquake, Media, Disaster Mitigation, EMITVEL


The study aimed to determine the process of developing EMITVEL application media as a medium for earthquake disaster mitigation in elementary schools and the effectiveness of EMITVEL media as a learning medium for earthquake disaster mitigation. This study uses questionnaires and documentation data collection techniques to adapt the research and development (R/D) phase 1 approach with EMITVEL media development variables. This study concludes by analyzing quantitative descriptions; the EMITVEL application, from the assessment of media experts, is reasonably practical as a learning medium for earthquake disaster mitigation, with details of software engineering aspects at 65%, learning design aspects at 61%, and visual communication aspects 64%. Meanwhile, the practitioner's assessment has effective criteria as a learning medium for earthquake disaster mitigation, with details of 69% software engineering, 66% learning design, and 69% visual communication. This means that the EMITVEL media is suitable as a learning medium for earthquake disaster mitigation in elementary schools.


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How to Cite

Abdillah, F. A. ., Juhadi, J., & Darmawanti, I. . (2023). EMITVEL (Earthquake Mitigation Visual Novel): Media For Learning Earthquake Mitigation in Elementary Schools. International Journal of Social Learning (IJSL), 3(2), 202–221. https://doi.org/10.47134/ijsl.v3i2.175




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